Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wristband Meanings, Gay

Winter Spring in Dresden

Actually, there's nothing more beautiful than the sun on a beautiful meadow or on the water to enjoy! And diesr Spring is really fantastic!
It is now the 11th April and it feels as if summer already. Like so much to me Easter. I just hope my PowerBook me the sun does not so bad.
for this year have I made up my mind to blog more, the last years, it was indeed rather poor. But often lacks an easy and time.
But that should change. Also, I would also like to implement certainly other ideas. get stuff I've been thinking of an app's for iPhone, a Touristenapp for Dresden, with all necessary information and useful additional features to guide and also without the hassle out of your holiday stress is the most interesting out of Dresden. and perhaps a few other things ... When I just heard what you get when you get the Apple Design Award, I knew that I myself as well time and effort it must take!
But with my little Friend here this should not be what ... at least I can now work out there. I like it so very well. I can also bring this summer still has some info on DD and his interest in experience. And thus
collect useful information for me. And
offers lectures by Stanford University also via Itunes ... one can also easily learn at home or outdoors without additional costs for cocoa and cocoa to program touch ... and at home I have a few more books!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Were Is The 6th Arow On Ult

Franky my rat ..

My little treasure Franky is ill ...

Today we will go to the vet, it does not work more. Were already there on Tuesday. She wanted to wait until Friday, but it is not easy. I can not bring more torment to heart him, he can not eat and barely drink. Each drop is a pain when eating the same way.
I can not look at me with everything and force-feed him day by day. Therefore we have decided today to go to the doctor and to put an end. I have my little Schatzi so much, he'll be missing much. He is such a sweet wonderful little creatures. And so young.

But nobody knows for what he has exactly the doctor suspects that it is the liver, but even they do not know.
He is so thin and weak, it hurts him in the soul to think so.
his honor, I would love to design a home that he deserves. are alone, because many rats are still frowned upon and hated. These are really intelligent and graceful animals.
I hope that with the syringe now everything goes well and he can sleep in peace and without pain, and finally finds his peace.