Sunday, October 31, 2010

Resolute Desk Blueprints

left philistine

"good person" was a true battle cry, it sounds F. Vranitzky, himself a classic representative of the species. He wants to ensure that discrimination as such term is unpleasant and therefore everyone who uses it.
What he does not want or can conceive, it finds that the distrust of its expression, which is shown him by those people who do not even for good.
indicator of philistinism is that one's life for the only valid on hold and any that does not meet her, falls prey to the contempt.

honest, because ironic, of course, would be the term "hypocrite" or even better, "Tartuffe" because the name is marked with the very best combination of mind and profitable business.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Buffy The Body's Husband


new media open up new possibilities appear also to those who are different polarity and is - interested in their own sex - one of my inexplicable reason. That could (and had) I learn even yesterday, when in fact a distant acquaintance of mine whom I know at one of the most fashionable in recent years, social networks among my "friends" who clearly came out and surrendered his relationship with a man unknown to me . The latter did to him, as I after a short search I found out after.
The whole course could be a farce, but the young man because I always was a little suspicious of it, to the not be so. Yes, yes, that leaves a sense of the man in such cases, I think, rarely down. There are one or two friends, which I suspect something like that, but whether it really is, I can not prove. It interests me to be honest not as long as they do not move me to my body ...

Yesterday's event has surprised me, but nevertheless, although to be honest a fairly simple and probably fairly painless way is to inform the world about such things. Provides the only question, really need to know whether most of the world about it. For if one comes across in front of the family, before the close friends, this is of course something entirely different than if you do it "in a wipe" away even from his friends and even your colleagues or business partners. Perhaps, however, lies the whole point just that: to catch as much attention as possible, as is the case with the carnival-like parades the case, such people now and then organize and thus drive many crazy.
I do not know, but his life in such abandon in a digital network is, at least for me not in question, even if these technical gadgets I own regular use.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dog A Twitching Hind Leg


editorial moral message: "ass wipe with motto's" (Lichtenberg)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Sell Exotic Birds

I am someone who likes to remember back to his school and his teachers. Granted, there were some subjects, especially math, which I could not just start anything, but under that I was suffering, literally, but also because I had teachers I liked and I could look up to.
is why it was never a question whether I return to my old high school, when the opportunity arises. So it was a few years ago a new building was inaugurated and it was until a few years ago when I dropped in occasionally for a short visit. Since then, however, the Teachers College changed a lot There are no more teachers I know and who I have taught. In addition, free time because of work, family and hobbies is not there.

But yesterday offered during a round anniversary again the opportunity to see old acquaintances. Not only the former classmates with whom we meet quite regularly for various programs, but also old school friends and teachers that I have not seen for tens of years.
with our name had some of our professors, but now their problems, but they were in part the former seating or various anecdotes recap every particular, what is really amazing. Some of them are getting on in years but what is they also look, in turn, others look exactly like ten-twelve years.

It was a beautiful evening, and I hope that in a few years back is a way to the centennial celebration of so many of us together. This is certainly not an easy task, but I think all parties are of the opinion that it was worth it.
The best thing about last night was to observe it, as our former teachers in the formal talks have prospered with us when they heard about all the different careers of its alumni. Lawyers, doctors, businessmen, computer scientists, university teachers - everything was there. And some even expressed how proud he is that we've come this far. I think for a teacher can give it no better present, no greater success.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Solomon Contagrip Boots

Vienna 2010 elections

I suspect that the electoral victory of the Freedom Party would have been much higher if not many of had encountered the rude way Strache. And I fear that they cause is not yet over. It confirms me the statements of the responsible Politicians of the Social Democrats and the People: This always talk of improving the "
integration", while the actual want and Strache prevented voters from "
" hear, from the stop or restriction. If a politician but clearly in this direction is expressed (as Karl Schlögl for WZ, page 4, or least, Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer), it niedergezischt, to put it mildly.
Well, it will merrily go on, pity about the many voices that are unlikely to make anything.

would fail a coalition of Social Democrats-Greens for Vienna interesting, but the position of the Greens in the question of foreigners would lead with certainty that in the next elections the Freedom Party to 40% or more increase.

Häupl locates according WZ accordance with the Green Party in future issues: Also in the issue of immigration? Now, the main thing, the opinion elite are happy. Many honest SPÖ voters, however, is whether the curse of decency, which caused him not to choose but Strache. And: A third party is looking forward sometimes, when some two.


I have nothing against the Green: If I do not have to eat vegan in the future, continue to use my car and must remain straight and my apartment does not have to share with strangers, yes, they are to rule quietly. ; =)

How Long Does Tamazepan Take To Kick In


There are anti-Semites who do not want to be kept for, so they keep in the public mouth. However, there are also people who do not anti-Semites BE, but they are silent as if they have something on the behavior of the Jewish or Israeli authorities dislike. Although this is unnatural, but understandable, because the Jewish authorities have reserved the assessment jurisdiction over who is and who is not anti-Semite. Someone who hires the considerations such as this is where they have anti-Semite. If you try to explain, is a hit, the differentiation cutlery immediately obvious. In this way, then often "real" anti-Semites. ------
Lueger : "Who's a Jew 'is certain' I '.
Muzicant : "Who is an anti-Semite, certain 'I'.

As a religious ceremony, which can indeed be made only by the sovereign!
------- GAGS. Whereof one can not speak, silent

thereof one must .*
From Un tell visible at some point

did generate.
* (Free to L. Wittgenstein)
From: piri piri: A DELICATE

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Does Grecian Formula Give A Migraine

Stars Live and learn from the depth

was the end of August so I reported here about my thoughts in respect of the mining accident in Chile. "Operation Rescue" is today, came to an end, all thirty-three miners who had to spend 69 days under the earth, were fortunately saved almost intact. Moreover, to many weeks earlier than originally predicted!
This whole story came to me from the beginning before very funny because the media hype about the event was almost overwhelming. As then written to the media by means of a small, down left camera, were right up close, and the whole story was on CNN & Co. really set the scene, not just since yesterday, when they transferred the entire life of early live to finish.

Somehow I get since yesterday, an evil thoughts out of my head: namely, that the whole was set by the media not only staged, but also staged. I am of course already aware that the daring and difficult to imagine. But still haunted by this idea around in my head somehow, not least because everything really - thanks be to God! - Almost without any Problems on the stage is gone.
As the miners got out of the rescue capsule, as well the most on it were, as they waved to cheering, flag hoisted. For this, the dark sunglasses, which of course should only protect your eyes become sensitive, making them a yet appeared in the eyes of many viewers as movie and media stars. It seemed like a perfect media event that brought the TV crews probably gigantic audience and them, of course, Hollywood and opened many possibilities for the near future. Interviews, performances, films, documentaries, perhaps even merchandising ... at least in South America!

As I said, I can all even imagine, very difficult. The whole would have been so perfectly planned and executed that appears almost impossible. Nevertheless, I will not get rid of that thought ... It is rather like the UFOs - but it might be something, right?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chlamydia Recurrence After Treatment

peace efforts

U.S. supplies Israel stealth bomber.
---- So that's that with the peace efforts of the United States in the Middle East for so much fuss is made. News like this show really brings out the Bartl the must.
--- One answer would be interested to know: Is democracy that constantly and deliberately violated the law, better than a country with a different form of government?

Cubefeild Play The Last Level


annoyed or amused, depending on temperament to be a customer on the train back and forth on-Gifterei Hbf in various newspapers. The often use the comparison with the Berlin Hauptbahnhof is wrong in any case: the linking long-distance, regional and suburban rail traffic from all 4 cardinal directions at a point that was being considered in Vienna, not even. Apart from the S-Bahn in Berlin, the real backbone of public transport at intervals like a subway.
Various arguments of the Wiener Linien strip on the ridiculous, for example in terms of airport connectivity: Even as a railway enthusiast I prefer a direct express bus of a Trade-Off rail link. To a solution as in Frankfurt, Zurich and Geneva, where long-distance trains serve the airport, so we dare you to not think. completely grotesque then flips the thing when the 150-m-way between the different modes as a disaster preparedness measure is sold. As sad reality is the apparent incompatibility of two powerful arrogance and planning departments of two powerful institutions, the remains once the passenger on the route. And when in doubt win with us always put the interests of the construction industry, in which the division has long been classified ÖBB already are.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Christmas Village In Coffee Table

A country sees red

It is indeed not often that we in the media in Austria, Germany and other European countries that are far away from us, reports on Hungary. Usually only when there is something sensational to report ... something sensational negative.

Unfortunately now, at least the online versions of the great Austrian and German newspapers again full of News from our country after that happened a few days, the largest chemical disaster in the history of the country and tremendous amounts of toxic sludge, the environment of a landfill basin have flooded in western Hungary.
As so often happens in such cases will of course not this time have been to blame. The responsibilities will be back and forth, and it is feared that in the end the whole back into a farce, although already are complaining now seven deaths and increase their numbers expected to continue to be, unfortunately.

The full extent of the tragedy is still impossible to assess what the different statements and actual measured results very well visible. It is hoped that at least the Danube is spared from major damage, it looks like now, when already in the river Marcal the entire fish population is extinct. To speak of the surrounding villages do not even have become the most polluted and completely uninhabited.

It is perhaps not entirely absurd to speak of a similar, but hopefully something minor disaster, as has occurred in the spring in the Gulf of Mexico in the form of an oil spill . And since human error can be avoided, unfortunately, in the future any more than technical or design faults to be at ease in the coming years, such tragedies occur on Earth.

Hopefully, that man is moved, at least on similar subjects, like the two mentioned above, more careful and cautious to minimize the chances of such events.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Heather Brooke Itchy Throat

A view from the window Go

I'm not a big fan of various chain letters, "stick" and other actions on the web. This time I want but make an exception. The action that has caused our dear fellow blogger Nila from neighboring Austria to the sounds of life, that is very interesting and is also their plans, according to the Multi-Cultural reflect the German blogosphere.
was your call, from a window to look out our apartment, and a photo shoot, so that is shown in the photo exactly what you see from the window.
From our two facades of course I have chosen the side which we like much better and is much nicer. A front look at another house that is, before there is a side-street. That is, although this page is also pretty quiet and pleasant, there is not much to look for a photo. This page we see when we look out for one of the rooms and the kitchen. Quite the opposite holds true as with the other front, where our Living room and bedrooms. Here, even some houses stand up, but a bit further away. In front of our house is in fact a large green area full of trees, shrubs and a small path that leads through the green. I have to perform well not long, how pleasant it is still on this page. Almost like in a forest, where you can hear the birds chirping only - and sometimes one or two dogs that bark.
addition, we are fortunate that we have on this side of a small balcony, where two people can find space and relax. All in all, a view and a feeling that you love very quickly wins, and in this form in a housing estate in a major city such as Budapest is rare, I think.
And who stretched on the outlook of the winter is that I refer here to an earlier post of mine I had published almost exactly two years ago. When comparing the two images, one can see also nice that the trees are in front of our house during that time but has grown considerably. A few more years, and they will cover the houses in the background completely. Then we can actually feel like a small forest, I think.