Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Build Wood Dog Crate

Sunday, sun, cold and fatigue

wanted after a long time, I now also blogging again. Since yesterday I have been a netbook now, I thought, now is the right day to start again.

It is still cold, but I must, I think, not tell any more, you did it all themselves noticed. The winter months are really the worst months of all ... The weather makes you sick and depressed and can not do anything. Good thing I did for school anyway to read a book. However, does it also rather slow. What is probably to the tasks at hand. And I'm discouraged in general because I'm at home for weeks, due to illness and such. Even if I do not think it will go for me noticeably better if I'm only around here and vegetate in front of me. But if the good doctor says, we are on the ground around here and read, research, write and do whatever one can make when boredom almost desperate.

So now I will come to the book. We read for school, junior high school class in the remaining 9 (evening school), Bernhard Schlink - The Reader. Actually a good book, even from the first impression of her more exciting than the movie. But a little excessive, I think Hanna's way already. What man is ashamed of a weakness so much that he, rather than telling the truth, my life sentence goes to jail? For me, this character clearly has a little roof damage. But probably should be so. I put the author and do not even know not what my teacher says I'm not in school.

Our duties and responsibilities my part I find it a bit strange. What is ultimately the fact that I can not imagine what you get with film, in reference to the description of the dream of home, so Hannah's House, said. And we should constitute Hanna as we imagine it to be. Problem because the book was filmed. And even if you have not seen this, but do you know the advertising. So we know how Hanna looks like. Impartially is therefore hardly make a picture of it, ultimately it will always be Kate Winslet. Moreover, drawing is not necessarily everyone's strength.

But since we have not only German, where it would do me some very good, we have also other subjects. My grammar, spelling and punctuation, but often leaves much to be desired still. In math, I probably just the most problems, once I had this note is not considered a problem, but today a 2 bothers me quite immensely. Sick, I know. But what to do. Learning would be an option but I'm so lazy. And nowhere else is that if one even really needs to learn only rudimentary, find it an even more difficult to learn but then for this one subject. But it is a 2, which is also on the witness and by illness and frailty of some doctors for the time being I can not help it. No. On the contrary, I have to worry even more about other notes. All 1 but just do not reach certain notes for the witness, I have only one note in geography. What is too little, as far as I know. But it's not my fault, teacher wrote at the start bit, then she was sick for now I am. It is still annoying.

I guess I'm thinking also just too much. Today such a beautiful sunny day, this evening we go for dinner and then see what still comes Sun look movie is so now nothing, the BD player is yes for repair. But perhaps the evening not too old. Or call the city a little more about us. Enough ginger ginseng tea I'm so drunk. And tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow I'm going to go to school and see if I can not do something perhaps even at home. After all, there is little advantage if I do not really go with him in the fabric. I hope to get taken out for a date for a Holter and a few other dates that are still pending. Probably everything will be better when it finally more sun, less rain and snow and warm temperatures would determine the dates. I like winter just due, the weather is depressed and my crazy pills too. No drink alcohol or coffee, and also mimic the otherwise rather sick. All in all, a terribly nice January.

Far too much I have written, none of that really stayed with me.

Campesinas Mexicanas Gozando

Indian Food in Agra in Dresden

Today we finally made it but go to a dinner times. My husband and I had met last year, the agreement in 2011 to eat every month. Always offering a restaurant that provides local dishes. So that we have ever visited almost every country in the form of a restaurant at least once. Since the design has, however, at the beginning of something difficult, we were only now come.

We were in Agra

in Dresden (White Street bar district (Ring Road 3, 01067 Dresden)), a really nice restaurant with friendly service and delicious food.

I'm not really a lamb fan and there is much lamb, but everything was really delicious, so does the lamb. As a starter, I ate a tomato soup, fascinating taste, unusual but really good.


For the main course it was something from the tandoori oven. Lamb, chicken, Indian cheese, shrimp and all this with tomatoes, vegetables ginger, garlic and other tasty spices. This Tandoori Nan, an Indian bread. Since my husband ate something else has, we also had plenty of rice on the table and to a mild Indian beer. All really tasty.

PRE_2011-01-30-203650 PRE_2011-01-30-203655

We also had a kind of dessert and while we drank mango lassi. That is something like yoghurt with mango, a drink with spices, fairly thick but incredibly delicious. Does not look all that spectacular, I can only but highly recommended.


to account there was still to a very large mango liqueur. I can unfortunately not drink alcohol, but once I tasted and found it really great. For women, the fruit liqueurs like an absolute must. After tonight I can also recommend the Agra only. Delicious food, very hospitable and accommodating and the atmosphere is really super great.

for the quality of the photos I'm really sorry but my pre does not make the best photos and I only had my phone with twitter because I really wanted. But because the reception is very bad there and unfortunately, at least in the mobile phone network Eplus constantly switches between 2G and 3G, with the pre not to tweet there. Let alone upload a photo. Very unfortunate but that's another story.

I say goodbye to this great evening and wish all a good Sunday.

Cruising Spots In Gilroy

school and stuff ....

Today I was in school, because of medical bills and all that stuff. Well yes so far missing quite ok, just me in geography still marks, which meant that morning I go to school. Evening to English, to write to the 2 hours work, asked about the topography-LK and my teacher would still suck something out of your fingers will mark what you can. I'm so not stint on this sheet music. But now it is once settled, so I need to get busy now, or do anything to, anyway. I think I should also draw a little German from his fingers as for other tasks. But I'll decide tomorrow spontaneously.

Geography is exciting, a work on only one topic, which included only 3 hours. So not much substance but it is geography. It goes well with population and population density, and things like that. I do wonder all the time what you would like to ask exactly where it is hardly matter, but I'll see tomorrow. Topography will be difficult, however, Asia is finally a very large continent with many rivers, lakes and mountains. Given all the countries and their capitals and the special features and all that I wonder also how you want to do it undisturbed in English. Well I'm probably already too much.

We had the problem with the poster on the subject of geography. This was with me quite well, but I've still no idea what I might say, and at least 5 minutes I should be able to talk about it. I think not only the easy chatter about China is so relevant for teaching, but only the facts grind me down would not appeal because they can be read anywhere. So I will try but as a good mix of both to bring. I also learned some nice stuff from a good friend. He comes from northern China and has always enough to tell what I am very happy because I learn stuff.

a little afraid I've got in front after what the holiday is with math. After all, I've missed a lot. Sorry the very things that are very relevant for future work and some other material. I hope my husband will help me as a little, otherwise I see it in black, but eventually even to get my 1 on the certificate.

So then we wait times from the morning tomorrow and then see what happens.

Which Exercise Is Bad In Genital Herpies

And now even a few words to me ...

Yes I am smiling, which is not always so. Zwinkerndes Smiley

Yes I am? If only I knew even at times as accurate. I love music and like very much and very diverse. I also have many hobbies, photography and sculpture, for example. I also appreciate themselves quite as creative a, even if I do not always kiss the muse, and even when not writing. Interests are also still the computer science and physics, and so I kind of like chemistry very well liked. I can imagine things very well, so I am dealing with natural sciences like too. Collecting ticks I have also, I gather, for example, Macs and records. Both are no large collections, which is also on the money, but I'm also still young. Books I have quite a lot and I also read in my life happy.

character, I'm not always easy and I would describe myself even more reluctant in clear definitions, but I can provide some insight. So I am for example very moody and my mood rather abruptly, to the impulsive actions and I am inclined to pessimism. Ambitious and almost pathological perfectionist in some things. So I try me on a blog, only to learn composure and I admonish myself on this. But work's really doing it yet. But the letter makes fun in any case before. to practice equanimity in a blog, how does it work? Quite simply annoy me the errors I make, the commas, the wording and spelling, just everything is not perfect. I'm not perfect. And I have to learn yet emulate things like just write here publicly. In addition, we also train so as to always write, so that at some point also a time that feels justified in a German. Yes I realize in itself, while writing what I do have an injury in the brains. But well, so I have to say this, I also have problems with what is going on in my head sometimes. I have a borderline personality disorder . One lives at some point just so, but happily does not do that. I think I am doing so far, so good that, at least I am married and my life is fairly regulated, but often it is not really easy. I think I will write here more often to secure something.

One of the things I like:

books 1984, Farm der Tiere (George Orwell), American Psycho, Unter Null (Bret Easton Ellis), Die Leiden des jungen Werther (Goethe), Erzählungen (Oscar Wild), Das elegante Universum (Brian Greene)
Musik Mezzanine (Massive Attack), Stories from the City, Stories from the See (PJ Harvey), Pretty Hate Machine (Nine Inch Nails), Bleach (Nirvana), Without you I’m nothing (Placebo), Dark Star (Deine Lakaien), Songs of Faith and Devotion (Depeche Mode), Debut (Björk)
Film Dancer in the Dark, Waking Life, American Psycho, Matrix, Dark Star, Clockwork Orange, Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey
series X-Files, Stargate, True Blood, The Big Bang Theory, Andromeda

Steam South Park To Ipod


Sometimes I feel the need to clean out things. It depends mostly along with some good reason - lack of space, spring cleaning, small alterations in the apartment - but not necessarily. And if I start again, then really: it is enough not if I just clean out the closet, which must be cleaned up, no. In such cases, I am looking in the other rooms, which stands around as this (unnecessary).
looks after another such action it is now quite cleared out with us. Not only in the one-bay, had to be cleaned out where, but also in the kitchen, in the drawers and desk. So few things I had long ceased to be lying around on the desk.
But the next summer ... I mean, of course, the next Unaufgeräumtheitswahn to come. Or rather, he comes, he announces not to be. No, he sneaks so, quietly, and soon - I guess in a few weeks - will return the stack of paper and folders piled on the desk.
Somehow I see it so well as the running of life on. Tasks and important things to be, must be for a time, always present, they are to be done, checked off, forgotten, discarded, or at least somewhere, packaged and stored can until you need them again. But for now I enjoy the few days or weeks in which it looks at us as perfectly tidy.

How To Make A Curling Stabilizer

girls, now need your help!

My dining in the living room needs to be changed urgently!
So I'm looking for your ideas, everything can be changed, which must remain, the Bank and the table!
Maybe you could even with a link to a page, so I can see pictures, but need not necessarily be. I would be happy if you would link my application, I get so many ideas.
your efforts will not go unrewarded!

this cage will get the idea I converting too, I should realize several of your ideas, widr there will be more gifts, and I then let the lot decide who gets what :-)

I hope you make it with pleasure!
I would very happy about it!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bare Patches On My Horse


Caroline Wenborne sang Fiordiligi, Dorabella Stephanie Houtzeel in yesterday's performance of "Cosi fan tutte " (25 January 2011) in place of Alex and Caitlin Coku Hulcup. In the other games: Topi Lehtipuu (Ferrando), Ildebrando D'Arcangelo (Guglielmo), Anita Hart (Despina), Alessandro Corbelli (Don Alfonso).
repertoire performance where the ladies were exceptionally weaker than the men.
Conducted by the stop-Jérémie Rhorer Bebütant - for which there were many mE unauthorized Voschußlorbeeren.
Fuchtler without a draft. No relationship to the musicians. Maybe I am unfair

: Cosi My last was in February 2008 - under Muti!

Monday, January 24, 2011

D Battery Operated Blankets

idea of a digital immigrant

Sometimes it's good to look back and analyze things. For example, at the end or beginning of a year, but even if you get a new job, has a new job, etc. Now, at the beginning, I personally have for the coming six months a new, additional job are granted and so alike come together two good reasons to take a peek into the recent past.

The new project brings with it responsibilities, where they react almost immediately, and edit documents at once, or build. If you sometimes do not know something, then you go immediately to the Internet - rather, it is the same online, because you receive the urgent tasks by e-mail and must return the same.

few years ago that were so, been in this kind of completely unimaginable. Because we trusted to such documents of the post office, or at best a messenger, but also led to a delay of at least several hours. If you search something had to be asked, perhaps one or two colleagues or experts, but mostly looked after you in the appropriate reference books and encyclopedias. That made visits to the city library to a regular duty program.

If we go a step back in time - no more than another few years - was even then the computer is completely unknown. People typed documents on a typewriter - and even before these were written by hand. Since it was impossible to delete error in a split second, and repair, let alone all thoughts or phrases to write and otherwise.

Today is all no problem. Have recently I this regard, the terms Digital Native (digital natives) and Digital Immigrant (digital immigrants) read. Both I believe are very witty and relate to people who were born in a time of proliferation of digital technology, and this only later, probably know as adults have learned.

All the above is of course one has definitely brought with it: our lives have become much faster than it was several years ago. There is not much time to deal with things, but we are expected to survey all at once to understand and do in the best possible quality, if they ever - as in this my case - is urgent. Despite the immense progress and remarkable technical achievements: this development makes me honestly, even with regard to the future, sometimes fear ...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wine Causes Dark Stool

informed Implantology Bochum: all-ceramic crown in a single session www.zahnarzt,

With the modern CEREC 3D system can now be made in our practice, all-ceramic crowns on implants.

This method allows a fully biologically compatible, and metal-free tooth-colored restorations in ceramic manufacture. This all-ceramic implant crowns in the same session can be produced and used. Additional impressions and temporaries are not required.

With a special camera, the attending specialist in a few seconds can make a three-dimensional recording of the crown to be implant.
is then constructed with the computer, the implant crown. With the CEREC 3D system works the three-dimensional representation and design of the implant crowns, since the adjacent teeth are shown in three dimensions, the restoration can be optimized. The new implant crown is adapted to the anatomical characteristics of the adjacent teeth, and ensures the patient a high level of comfort. The computer-controlled mini-robots grind the ceramic crown fully automatically within a few minutes out of a Glaßkeramikblock. The highly aesthetic crown can right now the patient to be adapted and used.

Do you have further questions on the subject?
Do you want advice by phone or e-mail?
Please contact us in our practice Bochum.
Tel: 0234-53 30 44,

or please go the following websites:
http://www. zahndoc- /

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Smoking Weed Cataracts

Under the dome

long time ago that I reported on a fresh reading experience. This is due partly together with the many tasks in real life, on the other hand, the fact that the finished book a few days ago was a veritable tome.
1074 pages long, is the latest, but in 2009 published novel by Stephen King in the American hardcover original. No book, which to me is nothing, nothing you could stop over night. Also, because the author in Under the Dome (dt The Arena ) may deploy a variety of characters, where you - especially at the beginning - nachblättern often needs to whom it is because if you understand everything wants.

The story is quickly told - despite the huge size: one day sinks in the fictional American town of Chester's Mill an invisible dome over the town, which cuts about 3 000 people from the outside world. A bit of air can flow through, just as the water of rivers and streams, but otherwise people are left on their own.
Apart from this supernatural Context can be the novel basically any mystery and horror elements are missing, that King so in general - has been linked - mostly clichehaft. Especially for the late work, but even earlier, these are often not or only occasionally be found in the books.

This work is namely much more mundane matters: the life of the people and their dealings with each other to escape crime, the machinations of politicians and the battle, from the new prison.
is also with progression of the novel, a higher level, you can deal with the ecological problems of our world and the status quo, and employs the future of humanity. Very positive point is to note that the author takes us not to regurgitate everything served on a plate, but encourages the reader to reflect and philosophize.
All this naturally leads to the fact that the novel is at times a bit long-winded and you wish to know the outcome of the scene or the overall situation at length, but these are regular King reader accustomed by some plants. In the end, but then again you grateful for the extensive reading experience and would be happy if it would take longer.

Another, for the novels of the last time characteristic development in my opinion is that King in his work questions raises, which he did not answer, or creates situations that he does not dissolve. Here too we are as a reader and at the conclusion of the work many questions to which one would hope for an answer, but it does not matter to the very end. How many times in interviews, King says or writes, he is concerned with the history in to the events, and not (only) to the end to the output. If it comes out so exciting and meaningful novel, as in the case of Under the Dome, I can live well as a reader with it.

34 Weeks Pregnant And Pain Around Belly Button

Arabia Cruise




to Dubai I remembered a saying of Socrates:
" What there is not anything I not need .

Spel Cubefield Wikipedia

music enjoyment

"... with sensuous interest and intellectual attention."

Thomas Mann

Friday, January 7, 2011

Vintage Wooden Iron Board

hard in a small circle

The second CD I got for Christmas is a live album from Metallica titled Live at Grimey's , which was published in November 2010. Two years earlier, the four boys were playing a small club concert a few selected fan club members, and now also the general public the opportunity to put there, recorded nine songs into private archive.
The picture shows clearly what I like about Metallica Sun Although at the last thirty years - yes, this year they celebrate this incredible milestone birthday! - Have managed to climb into the Rock Mount Olympus, they are still down to earth and direct. They talk and play in front of a handful of fans just as if, before tens of thousands in stadiums and arenas World on stage. You fool around, let the audience sing and even vote at almost forgotten songs, as in this case The Frayed Ends of Sanity that it then but was not able to drive.
With the exception of the song Fuel, which is, moreover, already thirteen years old, are found only older or very old pieces on the album, mainly fans of the early Metallica should please albums. Even if he offers no great surprises, it is nonetheless of a successful live recording, which is due to the unusual location and the special atmosphere of a special feature.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

State Bank India We Create Atm Card


Th Fontane in a letter:
" One believes in God, the other not, the truth is - as always - be in the middle."

peak of irony.
explanation for the one who has no organ for it: He takes it well even on the shovel.