Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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dental implants are becoming increasingly more often as the optimal solution at various considered dental problems. And for good reason! Implants are basically artificial tooth roots that are inserted directly into the jaw bone of the patient. Your dentist then screwed up a very accurate pre-construction in the dental implant, which now bears the actual dentures stable.

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Monday, February 28, 2011

My Baby Has A Flemmy Cough What Could It Be?

Virtual memory

Now and then I report on technical matters and developments that go on in the world before him, and sometimes even find their way to me. Only occasionally, and if, then very slowly, but that does not bother me at all.
Since one or two weeks, I think once again to the rapid technological development that is happening before our eyes. Primarily in terms of computer and data storage.
Several years ago I started using the good old 3.5-inch floppy disk in order to save my data. At that time I went to college and have saved primarily house and seminar papers, but also private. One-two texts, photos and the like. Older among you will certainly have the precursors of this disk have used.

Then came for me personally approaching the time when the whole with the help of CD burners and one-CDs much faster, easier, and were mainly in larger quantities. Since then fitted forward to it lots of photos and MP3 tracks, which was not bad! I was enjoying it, thinking that you had not, what and how much you save, because you go wild on it and burn them on CD, which had space -

The next pretty big step for me was the re-writable CDs. And if one disc is no place more, then took the next one, it was finally really no matter what you burned to CD. One could easily delete it.

The next step in the continuous development were of course the USB stick. The step from the rewritable CDs was not as powerful, but yet again the whole lot faster and easier. Moreover, even the little things are very handy and small, so you must keep clear even more space for a CD in his pocket. Extra attention is just the little things that you can not lie somewhere or loses, just because they are so small!

the penultimate step, I myself - so far - not complete: indeed appeared some point, external hard drives that have not of course USB format, but could save much more, or can. And above all, they are used by many at home as a backup and are from this point of view basically no competition for the USB sticks, but are often used in parallel.

And now, since one or two weeks, I am engaged in virtual reality: the so-called cloud computing . Of course, only at the amateur level of technical issues, I understand that is nothing at all. And I'm probably much later off than many other "network kids" out there, but still.
I find it fascinating that you basically no more physical memory needed to store its data. Neither at home, still on the road. Moreover, one can when one is working on two or possibly more PCs to synchronize the files even open, so get in line. Since
can not happen anymore, that a file that is lying around on the home computer, urgently needed and is not stored on the USB stick. And the store is a matter of only a few seconds - even the step I have often done instead of storing on a USB memory stick deleted, namely Sending the file by mail spite of myself

throws the whole course several questions: An Internet connection is essential, for example - and can still often interrupted for any reason be. In addition, it has been a queasy feeling, whether the data is actually on the unknown server security. Passwords so you should maybe not put there.
Finally haunted in my head again and again the idea around as long as there still is the Internet? Could it even disappear altogether? Could it reach the limit of its capacity? Question after question, the answer is only the future, but so far the development is truly breathtaking!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hair Strengthening Products

Today we were running with our KiGa group skate. was really funny, but I hurt my finger. I think sprained or so, now he is very thick and blue. But you can have bad luck, man oh man .. I hope you'll be prosecuted only by luck.

Before And After Brow Wax

Assange - the test case for the real power relations

If there were not any proof of who the real power in this world has, as long as Assange only divulged the secrets of the politicians, nothing happened to him. As soon as he threatened to the same bankers, he goes to the collar.

Why Do Sore Throats Hurt More At Night Time


I try ... my spirit and my soul to get the serenity

"Cum semper natura, tum etiam aetate jam quietus,"
("always been quiet by nature, but today even more so by the age "--- Cicero, De Petit. Consul., c. 2)

and if they can bring a sudden and sometimes overwhelming impression from the text, true against my will.
Montaigne III/10
Unfortunately it makes the age is not always easier to stay calm because the nerves are getting weaker.

Stomach Ache Bleeding

Too many heads ...

"All public activities are subject to varied and unpredictable interpretations, because judging from many minds about it."
Montaigne III/10
This is the flip side of "press freedom".

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ap Bio Lab Manual Answers Lab 6

twice in a row

is Who in the world because it occurred in Germany, that Lena, who won last year so the sensational € Eurovision Song Contest , in this Year will begin again? Not that her winning song of 2010 would not have deserved to win, I liked him and she from the beginning and think that they deserved the success. Even if the song can not hear a lot more and find just annoying. But you really believe that the same performer twice in a row has the opportunity to win this competition?
This alone twice in a row to come out victorious country from the competition is difficult. We all know that play at the back there quite a lot of political, economic and similar criteria, it is not long ago about music, text and the interpreter. Why Germany is not another singer and a still unused band in the competition?
I have a few days, the participants lyrics Lena, Taken by a Stranger , the network belongs, and frankly it has not really convinced me. When I last year, the winning song Satellite had first heard it I was immediately blown away, I found it fresh, cheeky and cheerful. Of course I did not think that it is chosen as the winner - who would have to forecast for a dry spell of 28 years? But it was a really good song! This time I did not
this feeling. Maybe I would have the right look, the visual presentation to see it, or me just the song Listen more often to taste for them, who knows? But I keep thinking, independent from the current subscriber song that Lena is the second time in a row have no chance at this year's Song Contest .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Adjusting Radiator Heat In Apartment


The weekend was, as expected, horrible. I admit I miss my mother very often but it's just not fun to be there. Moreover, I feel bad again and the return trip was not a real fun.

Friday was quite ok, the evening also quite nice, but I was too long on, so I then went back to Saturday something bad. Spent all day Saturday to do more with less or nothing. eaten anything in the evening, I do not have tolerated and then my father also ran back to get from his friends. He had been drinking before and it was enough there already really, but he does not so what's going on and it seems his friends are not interested. Then came a Friend of my mother to visit. It is quite nice, but Mom always seemed to have a problem with it. I admit it's not always easy but is actually quite a cute woman. First, we have talked quite normal and nice, and then Mama started again hang up their whining, self-pity filled with clay and to pour out to all the inadequacies of their family.

I visit them too little, Dad drinks too much and anyway, it's all bad. I am honest, I can not and will not hear that anymore. As far as I'm her dad a lot more help than even try, why I do not often visit them, I told her so many times also, I call them very often and usually very long at. read

As mentioned in another post, was the weekend I stayed only one of the rich knowledge in memory and I like to think any more about it.

Brrokstone Helicopter Spinning

insights and new ways

After the weekend with my parents and current events as well as a recent phone conversation, I have certainly gained in knowledge. For me, however, is now also clear that it's not going any further. My mother, she may often be good is quite simply nothing else than a kind of psychic vampire. This expression may seem strange, but true just the point. Mother only sees, her fears, problems and views on all sorts of topics. Place for me and my needs is not there. I am the center of their miserable life, but I did it, as a human being, no place. I have no word and no right to freedom of review. I sit in her little cage, the only place they approved me in its universe. I may not live like one, not now, not later, and in the past it was the canker. Would she read these words would come right back the accusations of a lack of respect or even I would not love them. But how can a man be honest and respect the love for you only have a better hand puppet is?

adult children are not destined forever to be the absolute focus of the parents, but it has nothing else and does not try at all until something else to do with their lives. I am annoyed that so many times. It is not yet 50 years old and vegetating in front of him there, waiting for grandchildren and I am with her. But I want to spare my children the sight. So cry Erlich, self-righteous and bitter as it is formally written their loneliness and emptiness in the face, that's not for children. And fortunately I have not. I suffered all these years, including enough.

all ailments and failures in dealing with children with me, everything that belonged to the lack of education tried both my father and my mother only with money or gifts to console away. To date, is the so operated. That also makes it a child is not easy to learn what appropriate means money, for which gifts are. To this day I feel that I almost always when I feel bad, I'm lonely or have experienced something negative, like a gift or money. I'm old enough to know that we can not. And yet I feel that the absence of such favors me angry and sad. This was called then, or at least well-education compensation of errors? At the same time it is so blackmailed but also in the family, using the slogan: "You get that, or this, now be quiet!" To date, they can

it wonderful to convince myself guilty. I visit too little. All the reasons that I call it, are you nothing of value. I should have enough money or could I borrow some. Intervention I've never sick and I'm much less. If you do not meet all of these but plausible, good reasons, I tell her the truth, the workhorse of my absence. I like to visit them, not now and not later. My father drinks, I can not stand that I may not stand at all, not because of me, and because of it. After all these years you can not watch this anymore. I have tried so many times to help and yet it has never brought anything. I tried to talk to him sympathetically. I tried hard and decisive. I took him off the liquor, was him his future. Nothing did anything. And talk to Mama brings just as much. It is inconsistent and complaining rather than to change something. You will not leave him but she can not or will force him to any form of therapy. She is the only one that has a pressure medium. Instead, it makes me accusations, wondering why I did not attend and why I'm against it have become so different.

Mama I'm not a kid anymore, now I can escape, now I have my way out, he may be a coward as he wants, it's my way. I protect my mind, those whom you have destroyed years ago almost. Why do you think I am as I am? I am your daughter, but I do not belong to you! Why were you always have the perfect aunt for my friends, and even for my half sister, they all wanted you as a mother, but they do not know what it is. Your problem, your illness, your addiction have made you immature of your life. You see yourself in the dependence on this man, not because you're sick, no, simply because you never learned to stand up for themselves, to fight and deny your life. You declare the money, you would be missing. But is it really the money? A bit masochistic you're well, you will need the misery he often brings, you need it to yourself to increase your own misery. You love to wallow in it up there and others to move into it. Into your abyss. There, I will not go there. Never again.

You gave me birth, not for my sake, no, simply because it fills your loneliness and emptiness. You bore me so you have someone who never leaves you, love you always. These people you had, children love their parents unconditionally. But what if these kids know what they are there. What is done with them and why they play this important role. And above all, they are denied any responsibility in it.

I decide for myself what I think is right and good. I have no one like, respect and love or need to. The days are long gone. I am I, an independent thinking and feeling being. With our own opinion and their own life. This approach seems to me not solve your problems forever before having to, not these insoluble, indefinable things that you'd like this you can not solve. You strike me as any objection or constructive way to help and asking but I'm constantly there for you. It thus yields no sense and deprives me so mad the strength that I am hardly in a position to say anything to it.

For me at this point is final. No more visits alone without my husband and without a car. Whenever you start to whine or he begins to drink, we drive. Clear rules to which one can talk. And I never cry again!

is too personal, yet it can and I will not keep these lines for me. I have friends who are simply not there for me and listen to what I have to say. And everything always makes sick to swallow.

At this point, thanks for recent heart problems, Mama.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Is The Best Fabric To Make A Dress

little insight

thought I'd get a little pause, some projects have running, but finished none, but without a photo I wanted you not leave :-)
So I show you my dining area in the kitchen bin, for some time to red migrated know, but it still has a lot to be done ...
maybe this week I create more :-))

Kates Playground .galleries.com

Thomas D .- prayer to the Planet 11.0 (Official Video)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Socal Shower Curtains

thoughts scrap

Yesterday was another one of those day to the next one could have done without. Yesterday and today. Yesterday we were invited by a friend to a rent party, we were there. During the week, so what is always rather silly. But it was quite nice, although there were some pretty Nerds. Just kind of is I realize so many times that I not belong. I could say so much about my thoughts that I had so the whole evening, but I do not think that it makes things easier.

As always, once a month, I'm a little in heat, but let's explain that a man of the continuing need to embrace other has. Maybe I should capitalize on the forehead: "Hands prohibited if you just want to cuddle!" But that's not well and could be easily misunderstood, especially since I'm married and one or the other well may seem a bit strange. But is not monogamous really mine. I think it's just as scary how I feel then, what is going on inside me, this unquenched thirst for a new experience or the same. I have no idea, do not know how I could put it in words without realizing that that sounds bad or otherwise. Why do something that feels so right, manifestly be so wrong. Or perhaps it is not wrong? Perhaps it makes even the appearance because it seems impossible?

The dreams are what remains. Something.

I write so much confuse things, so much useless stuff. I understand myself any more and I kind of like me no longer.

Maybe I should really just do something crazy again, something completely wacky ... Or simply have sex with a stranger or not such a strange one. Perhaps extreme sports or whatever. Of course I could also just be honest and say what is going on inside me. Make necessary or just where is after me. But all these are just ideas, theories and dreams. Thoughts on the way to the scrap bin.

Xti Firmware Hack How To


Today it this far, as promised, I'm going to my mother that she owe this visit to actually just an ugly fact, they do not know. What is better that way. This is all still covered in snow. Once you get out of the city is really snow. Already a fascinating weather. On snow I can, however, slowly without. I hope in Zwickau is not so much snow. But I have to do ehh enough and I hope I come once a little something to make. After all, going to school so soon release.

of UMTS have heard on the villages not yet, I think. Well who needs already receiving. Back to school book, I have not finished reading, let alone completed the tasks to do so. But I've packed everything you need. And yes I have a job ... However, I am not satisfied. But I have to do alone at home. Read but should work with Mama, even though I now have absolutely no desire to be there. Miss my husband so now.

The air in the Train is stuffy, it is also closely still. Then, as already mentioned, the reception is poor and my cell phone, Palm typical pre attracts me so only the battery power of the netbook. So I decided just to stay offline. Can not do so after a couple of things. And above all, talk with my husband again for Sunday, has a spontaneous drive to Mama so its disadvantages. Time, quite apart from that everything was again stressful today and I am hungry even though I somehow feel sick.

Correction: today is Sunday, I'm back home and did not tend to upload the text.

La Fitness Sales Consultant

had Not too long ago I already reported the celebrity wedding event of the year . Now that the invitations are sent supposedly already, I had just about one or two newspaper articles reflect that deal with the crowd.
to do without going into details and analyze what it could mean that not as Barack Obama and Sarah Ferguson to be there, various Sultan and exotic kings but already, I have one thing quite clear: Sometimes you would even be a prince or king, but this is certainly no such occasion. How many of the approximately 1900 invited guests are William and Kate probably know personally? And how many are only invited for the Protocol?
A wedding is only in very rare cases, a carefree and relaxed event, I can even say from experience. But then we have tried to get the most out of this big day and installed so few conventions and mandatory programs as possible. Finally, let us feel we should first and foremost good and we celebrate. If a
but basically any Step is required and is determined even be invited each guest the most part of the protocol and similar things, then nothing is just as much to relax and enjoy.
On the other hand, this is perhaps a not so high price one must pay if they would otherwise lead mostly live in the lap of luxury, who knows?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Birmingham Cryptic Place Names Quiz

photos ...

Since I am obviously depressed, yes, right now anyway, I decided easy to do anything creative again, then it works always very good. That really become something, too, is not again but at least a few recent photos of me. The sun was kind to me and also seemed a bit in my living room.




Well as you already see nothing special, just only new photos of me. I think with a headache is no longer out of it. I should probably take a shower just to make me hot and then finished. Tonight, once again such a rent party for a friend ... Well I do not think it's particularly exciting but we'll see. Maybe crushing the masses of people my loneliness, but I think there's really nothing in it. Finally, it is also in the midst of thousands of crazy to be alone.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Vegetable Oil Generators

time again I

Once it was so cold yesterday, and no actually already the day before, then it had also snowed. Not a nice thing, really really could soon be spring. Today is Valentine's yes, just as I would like to see a little more sun. But no, it's cold and gloomy, but still it is hardly any snow. Urban climate is really fine ... what

am so far to make me not go quite as far as anything. Out of boredom I have my hair in a dark pink color, and more at my wedding album ... God yes tinkered, tinkering ... I would really like my mother. But something must still be, indeed is a special day for at least couple of flowers and chocolates retailer. But today there are no flowers or chocolates, even if I do hope that today it is still a romantic evening. Only I can not really relax right now. I walk a thousand things in my head. I think of physics, the school has a movie that strange dream last night and all sorts of other things. Somehow I have to buy something and the home should probably be cleaned up a bit. But I would rather sleep or read or something crazy . Make But this is probably one of those days which I have many. Nothing is so right and time goes in his sleep, probably I was still asleep and dreaming all this only. Although it would be depressing to have such a boring dream, I would like this idea very well, even if all they did, so my whole life just a boring, bad and ever-lasting dream. Ohh that sounds so depressing again ... no not really I'm depressed, faith, or rather, I hope so. Sometimes you can be because it is not so sure. But given the fact that I currently really step on the spot with everything and anything, this may be all right. No idea. should

A few phone calls I still only I lack the desire to be honest. Everything is just exactly the same way as before. I do not like anti-depressants. The tablets are terrible ... you steal your soul truly you light, life and power. But somehow I need them too. Who knows what's coming.

I probably would need only a few friends, then I would not always wander alone with my thoughts in my dark, narrow mind and despair of issues on which there is no answer or I'm not able to find them. But where should we take good friends, especially if you so obstinate. All that is really still remained, the school and reading. I learn a lot about the world, and me at all. But that makes people happy but also not. It seems to me so often, my grades I would have bought a faust'chen Pact ... And ask me now and then because often when Mephistopheles knocked at my door and come get me ...

Ok. now I really think I have just a little depressing problem ...

Chicken Pox Just On The Legs



What we do not all have to know! The information avalanche overwhelmed us. But the more we can know and are, the less it is possible to gain knowledge. How can I make myself a question? How reconsider understand?

By Franz Schandl (supplement) of the press Febr.2011)


knowledge is faint. We know no more. The knowledge required and, even more unnecessary, visibly crushed any reflection of the known. Knowledge destroys knowledge. We are simply not up to. What we have to know everything. The abundance of Impressive revisions is beyond our intellectual capacity. Those gelatinized the brain, one is never free but always confiscated. We at best will not rezipieren what we are being forced on offer or better. We do not have the time to focus, at best, we manage an acceptance, to accommodate itself, we are no longer capable.

That Savvy and reflection are not necessarily the same will come many a head does not arise. Knowledge, although a prerequisite of reflection, they eliminated more and more. The more we can know and are, the less it is possible to gain knowledge. Our attentions are moving into a pulp. We are overwhelmed, do not dictate the pace, but pant to the rear. The speed is not equal, let us try to come along in some way. Somehow.

"Therefore we must all the garbage that you hear and read daily, store in any case" suggests Karli Sackbauer alias Klaus Rott in "VOR-Magazin" before. That would be easy. Forget it, we have no buttons and no bags to the drop off or displacement could Perren. We do not decide what is to be noted and forgotten. "In one ear in, get out the other" does not like that. Always Catching, we may take us about an account or not. The access is not ours, but he has us in its grip. If I do not want something, does not mean that I do not know.

How do I get to really know Richard Lugner and all his wives to do? Why am I subject to information? Falls under the freedom of the media? If not, among then? - What makes us firmly as a knowledge particles, which determines the specific energy of the intrusion. In any case, we have no shield against these penetrance. They pattered down on us.

thinking needs rest and relaxation, distance and aloofness. It must be different from their own experience and can issue immediate certainties, must be no affirmative ratio have on those criteria. Listening means more than listening, seeing means more than watching. But this alone part of individual reception, it is not visibly impossible? Knowledge is in contrast to unmarried knowledge without active leisure have not. Only you can in that attack. The healthy doubt on all our knowledge is thus the condition of reflexive, especially the self-reflective discussion: Why do I see something like this and not otherwise? What are constitutional powers to prepare me and direct me? What I am is me?

But we come ever so far? Deleting the density of daily life, stress, not all of these questions simply by and, ultimately, from memory? Is not conscious understanding a business problem, so a company failure, eliminating the need to eliminate so?

The information industry organizes information according to the laws of public relations: It is not what is interesting, but what is deductible. Hyping appease, exacerbated dispose hush, for these and similar patterns formed of the same media market news spots. The prime focus is excitement and outrage. And even the

criticism can not be expressed differently than in the hype, they will be perceived. If you then it's tricks, such as when charged climate scientists are aware, it is equivalent to the whole climate change issue. But even those are delivered to commercial competition for research funds, and there's dramatization announced beyond the drama. A message that is not a spectacle, no message. What is not obvious, under the table.

is of course trite to say it, that information (as well as other goods) are dimensioned to their saleability. But that fact has fatal consequences. Truth and reality are not completely disappear, but they are subordinate materials medial reconstruction. Not at this aggressive transmitter without the unlimited willingness of the recipient to think. And not just a slightly abzufütterndes mass audience is meant.

Example: In contrast to the earthquake in Haiti, which after all was a fundamental and momentous event remain and are Katzi, Bambi and Mausi never been real events, even if they are to vomiting occurred. Their stories are only the tiniest emotional excrement and emotionalised disasters in the canyons of intimacy. But prepared media, Lugners dolls in this country had a higher rate, what is the destruction of Port-au-Prince against the latest tearjerker of Bambi or the embryo to paternity search, Nightclubber Katzi of tablets or their consumption, the snake feeding on Mausi or their shopping trips? It's amazing already, of all this even have any idea to have. However, if the unreal and irrelevant to such may set the stage, they have become real and relevant.

DemTaumel is indeed hardly to miss, on every street corner there grinning, it sounds from each speaker. It clings and klettet where we turn. It shakes but not shaken by it only. Nothing is in its effect so deafening as the spectacle. The louder the shrieks, the more numb we become, the more colorful it stares, the more blind. Who is deaf and blind, is also silent. We can certainly speak of in this context, the importunities of an anesthetic or an implosion of the attention. The fact that we live in an age of enlightenment, is a persistent rumor anyway. That the self-inflicted immaturity is over, too. We still live in dark times masse effective enchantments. But what is still called? More than ever!

"swine flu explodes," wrote a daily newspaper on 10 November last year on the cover, it carried out the newly vaccinated President brunt of all this was a -.. One should not always look into the distance - my youngest daughter. Valentina had had fever on a Friday and was sent home from school. Well, nothing special, should be thought, especially since the height of the body temperature is kept within limits and no limb pain sets in. Containing a flu infection. However, as the school doctor was present at random said Friday that he took my daughter for a saliva sample and let them investigate. More we had not needed, because now we had promptly: the swine flu. When we were informed on Monday that the child was afebrile, and two days later, probably all would have been forgotten. But now, drawn with this diagnosis, Valentina bad it went straight: She began to suffer, was quite dissatisfied with it, it forms a many things and could not enjoy their school holidays. This finding she had taken more than their sensibilities.

Each disease produces specific economic interests and prospects. Is a vaccine in sight, the disease is already in the neighborhood. More than vice versa. Whether the threat is now real, marginal or even unreal, is secondary. From diseases not primarily interested in diagnosis and therapy, but their usefulness by the health industry.

amazement I sit in front of "Le Monde diplomatique", where I A statistics on the use of official development assistance understand that was issued in 2007 for AIDS / HIV for more than malaria, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases combined, a total of over seven billion dollars. Incidentally, this is by far the largest item. Flows most Aid about African diversions into Central pharmaceutical corporations? Undoubtedly, the virus is not trivial, but it follows the Apocalypse? AIDS may actually be a great danger, but also the largest fundraising effort by health industry. At least I had the HIV virus often feel that the Lobby is strong. Malaria and tuberculosis as convey the opposite impression. Funds for research, medicine and care can be thus accruing only when the public agencies and private donors, a sufficient threat scenario is offered.

The basis for forming a solid opinion, how should I take that? Scio, nescio. I know I do not know, but I do not know what I do not know. But the philosophy does not help much. Dedicated statements are difficult. This may be a skeptical interpretation, but everything else seems to me now as arrogance. I meet people from the field, so Conviction, I have to fit, for against the stupidity of a position is untenable instability.

Wading through the morass of info, I'm always suspicious. No all-clear can be trusted and no alarm. With this insight need to keep a confidence on the track, because it seems naive. The flip side to the notorious credulity is then the constant mistrust. It is not easy to position the healthy doubt correctly, without resorting to an extreme. But rules of extremism, from mosquitoes to elephants and mosquitoes from elephants. Think of the unimpressive customizable trivialization, the all-clear in every crisis There. Or the inflation of the Apocalypse, which always sees the end of the world to himself. Occasionally there are even the same institutions that serve these manuals. One need only recall the rise and decline of the swine flu.

minimization and exaggeration to run as a pair of twins from event to event. You rock on, and they swing from. Verschaukelt of them do not be too difficult. Overstate and appease are obligatory. Dimensional and ruthlessness are also included. Where indeed can be anything, a lot will not care. The permanent pacification produced lethargy, the rampant alarmism breeds indifference. Both in turn produce fatalism: we can always do nothing, and therefore we do not always fulfill our duty and always keep your mouth anyway. Eh. Maybe we think we still do our part, but mostly we think, what we think. Others think otherwise. Perhaps thinking is what crazy anyway.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kate Playground New Toy

Pimp my bag

Hello my dear girls, shopping already done?

This fabric flower have Aisha and I made yesterday evening, and somehow they fit quite well on the bag, you like it, too? :-)
is always with me on Saturdays go-cleaning, wash bedding and curtains, and ....
do you do it on Saturdays?
I I wish you, what's coming up also always a lot of fun today

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sick And Red Spots On Tongue

has won a look here for

a look what the lovely Claudia has found very funny.
much fun

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wedding Dress Catologe

this pretty cage my love Traude, the rust Rose ;-)))
and a consolation prize
my dear little old cottage Yvette gets :-) )
soon send me your addresses

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Flesh Eating Bacteria And Shaving

log back on the screen

This past weekend I was once again a very, very experienced emotional TV moment. Although only later, thanks to the Internet, but in this case plays no role.
have most certainly here the appearance of Monica Lierhaus seen in the presentation of the Golden Camera, or at least heard about it. I then followed the earlier program, hosted by her regularly and she always liked. Finally, it is not only attractive, not only has a pleasant style, but also seems to have knowledge from.
It Takes a few days ago I was deeply moved. I have seen a strong, confident and still very attractive woman who clearly had to struggle to master this site may. Both in terms of walking, and, as far as to speak. With great concentration she managed to lay a basically perfect performance, considering known, sad and distressing circumstances to involve.
And she even reached even more: from her prepared speech was also missing the humor, and the marriage proposal she had been scheduled at the end of her performance thoroughly surprised all those present, who followed her speech also visibly moved and moved.
As I said, a remarkable achievement of a woman in the two years we knew basically nothing. I wish with all my heart that she manages with the help of her family, her therapist and her colleagues at the screen - in their field - and back again to inspire us all with her charisma and expertise.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Create A Wrestling Singlet

ideas for Valentine's Day

Since I'm the only one in this relationship, which is really start thinking about romantic things, I wanted to write a few things right here.

Attention love men!

How about a nice bubble bath, maybe Rose Indian balm and vanilla with something? The bathroom decorated with romantic candles and then a massage with oil or body butter. Since there are very great with chocolate and vanilla, smells delicious and makes tender. Given a stimulating ginger and ginseng tea in the background, the album Mezzanine by Massive Attack, absolutely sexy. Then maybe sliced baguette with a splash of olive oil and roasted briefly with lettuce, cream cheese, sprouts, watercress, olives, cheese, grapes, salami, ham and smoked salmon used (different appetizers). A good wine on the table, the first with rose petals, candles and a bouquet was decorated.

If man now can still find the right words and the evening is romantic, he can maybe soon hope, a time to be spoiled by his wife. Maybe even that night. Unfortunately, most men lack the imagination or even interest in it. This is actually damn shame.

Mine is also one of those. Man it must be like a dog stuck in the piles, he noted that at all, that one wants something special or is this Valentine's Day ever. After all the years I've really tired of this and would rather do without it. Finally, it can hardly come from the heart if it was not his idea. Not that it would be heartless or cold, no plain unromantic.

Enough with the nagging, I love yes it yet. So have fun with the ideas. Said

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Descargar Pòkemon Black Returns Para Gba

Not everyone's cup of tea

In the jungle show, which is precisely to End is gone and I've read on various websites some are even served with a preference kangaroo testicles. And in a jungle test. I do not know if and how they taste, but I know I could try out recently for the first time goat testicles for lunch.
we have with the lady of the house guest at a friend who swears by this specialty and we also wanted to prepare himself. While the lady of the house declined with thanks, and something else got served - you may of course in this respect I ever do not blame you - we have to indulge ourselves with our friend this freshly made specialty.
course, it is quite normal when you flinch at the first mention of this food, or does not want to taste it. It is certainly not for everyone, which I readily admit. I personally am really quite open to new things and am of the view that everything can cost once, even if it should turn out that it does not taste and it can be, and never eats.
With Goat testicles it was but then so they have certainly tasted good. Almost as ordinary meat, but something different. Most probably they resemble the gizzard , in the Hungarian kitchen to take place and often use - in the form of soup or stew (goulash).
My conclusion: If you like to try new things and not, for example, food from offal averse to this specialty is in any case is recommended. With tasted's for sure!

Lots Of Clear Mucus After Ovulation

finally got it done ....

When I was looking for the old picture, I've found that I think about it are August 2009, the Secretary of white :-)))
It took quite a while eh? I was always afraid it would make a lot of work and afterwards I would not like the result.
If I had but just done more, I'm totally happy :-))
you wish you a nice rest of Sunday with your loved ones

Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Change A Tail Light On A Buick Enclave

Fontane about art and artists

"The idea that there was a poet, painter or even an artist's something special, while the whole society (and it was always) is on the lowest level so low that most people are sent out would have to. This rule, there are very few exceptions, such as Scott, but Byron is already terrible. One has the Artists against if they are real artists, practicing forgiveness and a blind eye to leave, but their blend of idiocy, moral audacity and arrogance to celebrate too,
is repugnant to me. Even the mere phrases, "my art is sacred to me" (especially with actresses) is killing me.
In views I am very tolerant, but art is art. As I understand no fun. who does not himself an artist is, of course, turns the tables and emphasizes perception, attitude, tendency ...."

Th Fontane at his wife, Juni.1883 from the valley.
--- -----------------------------------

And there are critics and cultural policies here that occur in the Burgtheater actor with a speech impediment or down economies with impunity a theater director is a traditional house - they have even left the right attitude.

Herb Albert Song Tv Show

implantology: long-term supply temporary bridges in just one treatment

virtual bridge construction
CEREC 3D is a modern device is designed to produce high-quality, long-term temporary bridge supplies in a single appointment.
The mini-robot grinding of CEREC's processed fully automatically Kompositblock, creating a perfect bridge.
These are high-Kompositblöcke of acrylate, which are characterized inter alia by a high bending strength. This is about the strength of denture teeth. The bridges are cut from this material, and can without risk of fractures will be many times the tooth removed and reinstated.
The production time per tooth is approximately 15 minutes.
The material has proven itself on a wearing period of up to two years.
Such a long time in the mouth may be necessary in the following cases:
  • observation of teeth with uncertain forecast to reach
  • for the fractional load on implants to a bone-training,
  • should be in the anterior region in terms of aesthetics on a temporary high-quality long-term care can not be waived,
  • during the healing process in tooth extraction and after implantation,
  • for the improvement of a non-aesthetic gum history,
  • and aesthetic solution for the development of a proposal for front-tooth restorations and in situations where an immediate temporary production is required.
Please contact us
and you can spot in our practice, discussed in detail.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cheats For Gpsphone Pokemon Emerald

(k) an evening of great words

today I have already written so much and also, not just here. Here I should probably also leave. I think tomorrow afternoon I will talk some more about my long-term ECG, which was very exciting, but not until tomorrow. For today I'm at the end, only good for small words.

one thing I would not fail to mention: people who use Word to take pictures to put it in a file and then determine the remaining 9 days later that they do not send these files. For as a Word file with images will fast times 120MB in size. And e-mails one can only often attach such files. This is all still very cute, but when people make this kind of thing, they think are familiar with computers and other systems, does that hurt a bit. Nevertheless, at this point a warm thank you. I complain not, because I am happy to receive the files. But a little funny is it already.

At this point I wish me good night and good recovery.

Toyota 4runner And Honda Pilot In Snow

It's almost done :-)))

So it looks like now! I have grown new shelves, because the old ones were too narrow. I also have built the bar with the hook. However, we lack the right nor the hook, because I get hold of the hardware store the last. But coming in 1 week. You like it?


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Long Can Gonorrhea Lay Dormant?

Windows 7, a real Qual

my new netbook I've now already a few days, but Windows is now truly be the worst ... The netbook is simply too, should be like a netbook. It is small, the battery lasts forever and it is not necessarily a power unit ... But all in Ubuntu pleasant to use (at least there you can decide for themselves how the surface looks like, if I use my pre USB.Modem as what programs or when making updates. But Windows 7 is a kind of absolute demonstration version of Windows, except that This constantly updates makes or at least annoying requesting to be allowed to make any. has it need ever booted ready to it as it start's all possible at once and never questioned. Moreover one expects actually a fast start in a netbook, do you? Na well everything unnecessary and remove anything usable, but not just instantly removed from the startup, which goes a bit faster. But you can not even change the background is already a strong Piece, especially at the upgrade prices! And I have Bluetooth, but I have nothing of it, Windows 7 appears to have no software for this and the Atheros software is installed on the device does not start. So ultimately win but only good for flash and yes I admit I like the Windows Live Writer very much, but a computer solely for the blog?

I guess I can see only too stupid for Windows, and do not understand his true nature, beauty and utility. But we are honest, would like to believe in Santa hare e-mails to write. I upgraded to expensive and useless, so I'll have to live with it.

I wonder is, however, remained where Windows XP. For a long time but netbooks come with XP, which I somehow think also obvious. Finally, remove from the days where a computer was more to this performance called super fast .. and not as a Netbook So XP but should come good so clear and easy adjustment to the current developments should surely be there, too. Microsoft XP but could revise one more time and then publish it then Windows netbook new. Just an idea, I warm up my copy all the new on, and then publish things that are already long and then still call it innovation. Why not here? Why do I need here to have Windows 7? Not that I'm stingy, but now again to buy a license for XP, I would find honest, stupid. Therefore, I should probably not complain, but had to be said that now but one time.

Ben 10 Alien Force Ep 43

second Round dining room makeover

Hi girls ...
before yesterday I had sewn 3 cushions and they have time to The bank did, but somehow had no effect ... Yesterday I'm fast going to buy einpar gray pad was look no Ro ... er. I paid for the Grey depending only 3 €. And jeht her time ...

Ok, I think I must have more, or would you change color or what? I also worried boards and hooks me and I will change the next storage
:-))) Looking forward to it ... I hope you remain curious

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Daughter Masterbated In Front Of The Family

has something changed

your idea Yvette gave me good please :-) I did not want to spend too much money, so I've just bought only black color ... and voila.
How do you like the first change?
It will follow a few. But I think it's much better than before. Tomorrow will happen then. Oh, what could I take for decoration and for hanging on the shelves?